Why Should I Order Photos From My Professional Photographer?
Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’ve had a professional photo session before. Most sessions this day in age (do we sound really old saying that?) come with your high resolution digital images so you can print at a lab of your choosing.
Have you ever wondered why you should order from your photographer??
First, the most obvious reason is: to support a small business. Your print order quite literally will put food on the table of the photographer who you loved and trusted enough to document these memories for you! Wouldn’t you rather give a person a meal rather than line the pocket of a large conglomerate like Costco which you can support through buying a giant bag of potatoes you’ll never make it all the way through. Your photographer will literally do a happy dance when your order comes in. Trust us. We do. Every. Time.
What’s the difference between professional and consumer prints?
Professional prints are printed on high quality paper with archival inks made for photography. Typically, a professional lab that specializes in just printing images on paper. So they do it very, very well. They also only offer it to professional photographers.
Have you ever wondered why are consumer prints are so affordable? If consumer prints are so inexpensive, why doesn’t every professional photographer use them? Cheap places, like Costco, Walmart, Walgreens (do they even still do prints?), etc. can do it cheap because they have one setting on their printer, they can stick a generic piece of paper into, and you’re in and out in no time flat. There’s no adjustments, no settings, no quality paper, just fast service. We get that there’s a time and place for fast service, but when you’re already investing in having gorgeous images, investing in the print itself from this low cost lab, why not spend a little extra, make a photographers day AND get a print that’s going to last you for DECADES, not make your timeless images look anything less than.
Why would you spend thousands of dollars on your wedding photographer and then print your photos on crap quality paper at a cheap place like Walmart?
If you’re just looking to save a buck, we get that. But maybe consider instead of throwing your money away, spend a little extra (you could skipping a few fancy coffees or one less meal out) and get yourself a keepsake that’s going look incredible, last you a lifetime and always put a smile on your face.
Why does a photographer want you to order prints from them?
As a photographer, we LOVE that we can control the quality of the prints you’re going to receive. Our lab is specially calibrated with our computers/editing software to know exactly the right way to print your image. No overly bright, deeply saturated or washed out looking prints from us! And trust us… we’ve seen it go WAY wrong. Like… way wrong. Like, where on earth did you order this giant print from for display at your wedding, why does it look like shit and man oh man do I hope it was cheap. Also, if you’re looking for us, we’ll be hiding in the other room as far away from that photo that we took for you that we’re now embarrassed to claim.
We love that we know it’s going to be an experience for you to enjoy from the minute the package arrives on your doorstep, to opening the classy box they’ll arrive in, to easily hanging your already pre-framed print on the wall! Personally, we also know that these prints are going to last.
Here’s an example of what we mean by “going wrong”
(original image edited by us - how it should look when printed)
Samples of Print Issues:
high contrast, over-saturation and de-saturation
Want to know another perk of ordering from The Vondys for your prints?
Now, we can’t say all photographers offer this. In fact, sadly, we would guest most don’t, or charge extra for this service. However, we believe when you make an investment in a large format (11x14 or larger) print OR an album, we want to ensure it’s going to look perfect. Now, we don’t do a ton of retouching to you, unless requested, because we think you are perfect just the way you are! We may remove a few stray hairs and have been known to fix closed eyes in group photos. What we really want to do is remove any distraction you will see when that print is blown up large. You’re going to be looking at it every. day. Shouldn’t it look awesome?
Here are some before/after examples from our recent print sale. Slide to the right for the post retouching magic!
Above we removed the background distractions and some ground distractions and overall brighten the photo a bit to ensure it will look fabulous!
This one is subtle so look closely! Can you spot the differences? Need a hint? We removed a few distractions here
This one was simple but powerful! By smoothing the curtain in the background, when it prints, it will pop!

In the above photo we felt the power lines simply had to go! The parking lines weren’t quite as distracting, but we (us and the couple) agreed it looked better to have them gone! Especially when this is printed at 20x30 and framed in their new home!
This one didn’t really “need” anything, but we felt the water stains on the pavement were distracting and the sign in the background didn’t add anything to the image. Can’t wait to see this one in this couples’ home!
Need prints from your session? Ask your photographer! We can’t imagine a photographer who wouldn’t be happy to get you prints no matter how long it’s been.
Need more assistance with your prints?
We’re happy to try and help and we’re just an email away!