The Vondys.

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We knew Susan and Daniel were too cool for school when we first met with them, but man oh man we had no idea just HOW cool for school they are in person! They are totally our kind of people. Great sense of humor, a tad silly, enjoy movies and TV as much as we do (Daniel proudly admitted he’s watched Game of Thrones FIVE times and our newest favorite Netflix original, The Outlaw King, several times as well!), and totally in love. Most likely, we would have spent hours chit chatting and photographing them, because, duh, just look how photogenic they are! If only we had all day and it wasn’t freezing. Susan, you are a total badass, we are so impressed you took on the cold with such grace and no complaining! You’re our hero! We feel SO lucky that we get to document their story as they go into this journey we call marriage!

Can’t WAIT for these two to tie the knot this Spring - when it’s hopefully a tad warmer! ;)

We are currently booking  2019 weddings (only a few dates left!) engagements, elopements & anniversaries!
We are also accepting 2020 wedding inquiries.

Contact us to see if we’re available to document your big day!

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